So before I wanted to contribute to Colours of Love I wanted to just warn you guys, my entries may be a bit depressing and sad…I just it's just the way I'm feeling at the moment, but i still hope you guys enjoy reading it. I will add some happy ones :) Comment if you wish, constructive criticism are all welcome.
Why is the only essential thing in life so hard to find? Why must it be so difficult to find that one person that will exceed all your needs in every emotional, social, and physical way? And even when you do find that one person, why is it so hard to keep them? It's all so hard, everything to do with love is hard. Hard to find and hard to keep. I'm in love. i have been for the very first time, and I've been in love for over a year. I've never stopped loving my special person. he put me on a high dose of love. I'm a heroin addict, attempting to go cold turkey, but I can't. It's almost impossible. I know I've said it before, nothings impossible, but falling out of love with the most perfect person that has entered my life is impossible. When I laugh, when I smile, it's all for him. When I cry, when I frown it's all because of him. But I don't mind. It's all apart of love. Some people say it's just high school love. They don't understand that there is no such thing as "high school love," I think what they're referring to is lust. This is no lust. You may be reading and thinking how naive and innocent is this teenage girl. I guess it's alright to think that, but think again. When being in love, the happiness you feel, the pain you experience; well there are no limits. It can reach sky high, and that's where I've been when everything was perfect. But when things dropped, my heart, my body, and my soul mindlessly drifted through hell. Stabbing pain through my chest. That feeling when you cry, the feeling of the deep sinking in the pit of your stomach, and the dry-swallowed feeling of a pill stuck in your throat. Why? Why must us living organisms feel such emotions? Why must we suffer and cry endless nights, inflict pain upon ourselves to relieve stress? Because in the end…we know it's all worth it. It's worth every tear drop that falls from our red eyes, it's worth every sleepless night, worth every love song that makes us think of them, worth every minute that has been contributed to the thought of them. It's worth it. Don't you agree? I think so. Because I still love you...
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