
Sunday, July 11, 2010

( III ) Cos' I got High, cos' I got High, cos' I got Highhh


The worst substance of them all.

It's a wonder why this mood altering, head spinning, nauseating and at its height, even suicide inducing drug is so damn available. And legal. Age? Sex? Race? There’s no criteria. Everyone and anyone are eligible.

What is it about Love that makes it so highly coveted?

As it is with most drugs, it only leaves users wanting more just after one little whiff. But, that’s all it takes.
One fatal whiff, you’re bit, smit', there’s no turning back baby.
You’ve had the taste. Now you’ll only ever want more.

It'll ruin you to your core.
Don't try running away either.
Oh, no -it's impossible to escape it.

If it’s not too late, be forewarned of its affects. They’ll be like no other you have –or ever will, encounter.

Vulnerability is one such consequence. Most will find that their innermost, deepest darkest fears, dreams and life longings will no longer be a secret once the affect of Love takes full flight.

This only leads to the loss of one’s individuality. No longer will you be capable of thinking of yourself as “me”, “myself” or “I”, but rather, disgusting words of implied unity and bonding such as “we” and “us” will replace and overtake your vocabulary.

Take heed.

You will lose all capability of making decisions with any sort of sense or logic.
You'll find you're overcome with an impulsive, spontaneous spring.
And perhaps attempt to pass it off with an excuse along the lines of “being in love”.

Be warned.

It can cause the consumer to lose sight, hearing and impair logical thinking.
In severe cases, it's been reported that sleepless nights, loss of appetite, contemplations of suicide have Love to blame. Let Shakespeare’s works of foolish Romeo and Juliet and Cleopatra and Antony serve as a classical reminder to you!

Withdrawal symptoms can include, but are certainly not restricted to, bed confinement, and heavy douses of loneliness and self pity. For some, (in this case women especially) tissues, chocolates, icecream and a bottle will become your most loyal bedside companions. Though it should be noted that these substances are no substitute for the Hard Stuff they call "Love."

And the best worst thing is that it's not illicit and one-hundred-percent free.

Be your own Dealer today.

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