Fairytales are real!
Love is real!
Evil witches are real!
we just need to believe...
When we are young we often hear the stories of adventure,
princes, princesses, villains, fear, happiness and love. The
first fairytales we heard played with our emotions, pulled us
in with it magic and whisked us away with its imagination. The
surreal kingdom far far away, the physically perfect and
spiritually kind princesses, the flawless prince charming and
the intimate and exponential love that they shared.
People say that the exaggerations in these tales are to be
"truer to a child's perception of life than realistic stories"
and that they create a false reality. They criticize that these
events are all make believe and create expectations that can
never be achieved. My thoughts differ.
People often preach to the juveniles and the adolescent that
they should grow up. These people expect a level of maturity in
ourselves[1] that is able to establish between the very blurred
line of reality and imagination. These sadistically stiff
subordinates of the witches and Rumpelstiltskin are the
wretched scum of darkness whom attempt to reach into our minds,
souls, and hearts and exterminate our own dreams and crush our
every hope. They try all so hard to convince us to devour this
deliciously devilishness delight of an apple and poison our
inner child
Every love is a fairytale waiting to be written...
we're just dulled to what love is, the negativeness of life
has clouded our true vision
Why do you love them?
this question is as stupid and as meaningless as taking a
shower with mud. The reasons you love someone cannot be simply
expressed in worlds but rather interpretive dance! Obviously
the positive qualities that everyone else can see and feel
play a big role, but the thing that makes them special to you
is not describable in detail. Simply, its just because.
you need to believe in happily ever after
I like to think that the fairytales didn't get it wrong and
that happily ever after is the way every relationship is
suppose to end. In this world we live doubt and unrest strives
and feeds on our fears and unlimited hypotheticals. Why are we
so intrigued by these negatives? Our lives need to be performed
with the crescendo'd positives accented and the negatives played
in pianissimo possibile. The simple things that the ones you love do
should linger in your mind and make you smile, whilst the evils
cast aside, not forgotten but forgiven.
One of my friends hates this idea of forgiveness and
continuously argues with me on the topic of what you should
forgive and what is the point of always forgiving. I think she is silly.
Like the forever youthful hero Peter Pan, let us never grow up.
[Random Fact: Peter pan was originally written as a novel for
adults] Well honestly we should, but not the entirety of us
needs to. Listen to that thimble sized person inside of us that
tell us to just do something cause you can.
Believe in the fairytales.
Believe in the magical and slightly far fetched.
Believe in true love.
Believe in happily ever after.
...if you don't believe, then how would you know if you were in one?
(also, every time someone doesn't believe in true love/fairytales, one dies....)

1. yes, i am a adolescent delinquent and proud of it
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