The emotions and feelings associated with love are things that I cannot escape. Everyday I look around me and see Love everywhere, it grows and thrives with such determination and prowess. Even the healthiest and oldest Love can still wither away and turn into dust, but you must not let this stop you from believing in the power of Love.
Give it some time and from the dust the seedlings will emerge, like a phoenix from the ashes, rejuvenated and stronger. Let it grow some more and soon you'll see the true beauty of love, the flowers and the fruit.
Make sure to take care of your Love, give it sunlight, water and most importantly provide it with the nutrients for it to grow unconditionally.
Prune it not often, but critically. Don't forget to clean away the dead leave. This way you may enjoy the beautiful and fragrant flowers of your Love all year round.
The fruits you reap differ between each type of Love, sometimes they take only weeks others years. It is important that you remember that different fruits have different flavors, some sweet and wholesome, others sharp and bitter.
Something I believe strongly is that for you to truly understand and grow the perfect Love you need experience. Every time you fail there are lessons that you learn. Its important that you don't just give up but to en devour every time.
"I was in love with love" - Saint Augustine
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